2016年7月25日 星期一



前幾天看到有人推薦《黃艾莉:眼鏡蛇寶貝》,我非常好奇,但沒時間看,今晚不知怎的,工作到一半上網找資料,YouTube竟然主動跳出原文版,然後我就看完了,中間大笑了好幾次。情色或種族歧視的部分當然很好笑,不過,我覺得她揶揄雪柔桑德伯格的《Lean  in》那部分更是爆笑。她根本是搞笑界的天才,我甚至覺得她比Tina Fey好笑。
I don’t wanna ‘lean in.’ I wanna lie down. I think feminism is the worst thing that ever happened to women. Our job used to be no job. We had it so good. We could have done the smart thing; which would have been to continue to playing dumb for the next century… And then all of these women had to show off and say ‘We can do it, we can do anything!’… They ruined it for us. Now, we’re expected to work.”… A lot of women get very upset with me about those comments. And they’re like ‘Ali we have so many more options now!’ Oh you don’t think we had a lot of options when our day was free? Unscheduled, unsupervised, and most importantly: sponsored?… A lot of my friends, when we walk around together, get very judgmental when we see a housewife… I’m like ‘that b*tch is a genius. She’s not a housewife, she’s retired.

