2013年5月8日 星期三

Black like me 黝黑如我


1959年,美國的白人記者John Howard Griffin為了反抗種族歧視,和一位專業的皮膚科醫生合作,使用人工色素、藥物、日光燈照射法,把他的白皮膚變黑。變色完成後,他剃了頭髮,因此在一般人的眼中,他看起來跟黑人沒什麼兩樣。接著,他以搭公車或搭便車的方式,遊歷美國南部幾州,親身會黑人平日感受到的仇恨和歧視。


我讀到他的故事時,震驚到馬上下單買書來看,看完後也震驚了很久(我是聽有聲書的,Ray Childs朗讀,那應該是我聽過的上百本有聲書中,朗讀最棒的一本,太有感情了)。

亞馬遜有一則評論寫得好:(by Alex Malinovich)
"As a white male, I've always been offended by the term 'white privilege', because it implies that I somehow didn't work for what I have. But having read this, I can finally appreciate it. My 'white privilege' has nothing to do with me not working hard and not deserving the things that I have accomplished. I have worked hard, and I do deserve those things.

But these are things that blacks never had the opportunity to do. No matter how smart they were, no matter how well dressed, or well spoken, no matter how *white* they tried to appear to blend in, they would never be given the opportunity to prove themselves on their own merits. Their opportunities were taken away before they ever had a chance to even attempt to do grab them."


